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short load concrete

Supporting the Big Gorilla of Ready-mix Delivery

2022-08-28T12:22:46+00:00August 28th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Contractor, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News, Uncategorized|

Traditional ready-mixed trucks love Cart-Away There is no disputing that ready-mixed trucks are the big gorilla of concrete delivery.  400 million cubic yards of concrete were produced in 2021 and most of it was delivered by the nearly 72,000 ready-mix trucks in the U.S. These trucks can carry between 8 and 12 cubic yards per

Ready-mix Sales Reports – Cart-Away has Huge Volumes

2022-07-21T12:18:48+00:00July 21st, 2022|Business Opportunity, Contractor, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News|

Three Cart-Away locations report massive sales Solving Short-load Problems On any given day we receive dozens of calls from some of our 400 partner locations. Most of these calls are requests for maintenance parts or to place orders for additional equipment.  Last Friday we had three successful owners call to report the impact

Why Solve the Concrete Delivery Crisis with Cart-Away

2022-06-07T21:21:44+00:00June 7th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News|

Is there a crisis in concrete delivery capacity? 400 Million Cubic Yards in the US Concrete is the most consumed product of the built environment. More ready-mixed concrete is produced for construction and maintenance than both steel, aluminum and wood combined. The demand for this concrete outstrips the delivery capacity every day, forcing

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