Use the C.U.B.E. 150 on your next award-winning project. Top 25 Contractors Choice Award

The C.U.B.E. 150 has earned a TOP 25 award from the readers of Concrete Contractor Magazine. This award is given annually to new products that demonstrate the most promise. The 25,000 Concrete Contractor readers selected the C.U.B.E. 150 because it is unique and fills a current need in the concrete industry. The C.U.B.E. 150 also earned a special feature article in the Sept/Oct 2006 issue for receiving this award.


ATTENDEE’S CHOICE: The CUBE 150– Cart-Away Universal Batching System (Cart-Away Concrete Systems)
The Concrete C.U.B.E 150 won the most innovative product at the 2006 World of Concrete. 70,000 attendees at the 2006 World of Concrete voted the C.U.B.E. 150 as the most innovative new product for concrete production.

Permanent Buildings and Foundations Magazine published the top 101 product for 2006. This publication is directed to builders of single and multi-unit homes around the country.

The C.U.B.E. 150 was selected for the April issue that names the top product picks for the year.