Fork PocketsGeorgia Conrad2018-09-26T04:05:07+00:00 Fork Pockets Adding Fork Pockets to your equipment can allow you to transport your loader or mixer easier using your own forklift. We can add fork pockets to the Concrete MD, LoadPro, and Mini Belt Loader. Get a QuoteJay ElkinsParts DepartmentCall Jay at: 800-909-9809Fork Pockets can be added to the following equipment: AllConcrete MDLoadProMini Belt LoaderMini Belt LoaderGeorgia Conrad2024-05-08T22:36:31+00:00 Mini Belt Loader LoadProGeorgia Conrad2024-08-29T21:10:38+00:00 LoadPro Concrete MDGeorgia Conrad2024-05-08T22:34:14+00:00 Concrete MD Get A Quote TodayAsk the Cart-Away parts guy to give you a quote on any of these great additions to your equipment. Be sure to ask what sales are going on this month! Get a Quote