DC has decorated concrete cows, but Cart-Away has Cash Cows
Someone is mixing a little fun into the Maryland workday using the local concrete cows. They are sneaking around decorating the bovine and adding some entertainment for the community.
This story reminded me that we had called the Cart-Away concrete mixer “The Concrete Cash Cow” at one time. We even dressed-up a cement mixer drum to look like a spotted milk cow for a trade show in Vegas! Here are the silly words from a flyer we produced for the show…
Cart-Away is your opportunity to earn great profits with a simple system.
It’s like owning a cash cow… You get all the cream without the crap!
Cart-Away concrete is a construction supply system that stands apart from the herd of other business opportunities.
Great profits from these supplies are just the start. Cart-Away is a unique customer controlled delivery system. That is why our slogan is: U-cart away the profits!
You own a fleet of these cash cows. You have concrete mix trailers that you load with fresh ready-mix and your customer drives off to their job-site pulling the trailer. It’s not complicated at all- just like sitting on a three-legged mix stool… With our support, you can milk your share of the 25 billion dollar construction materials market. This a profitable field to join and great opportunities are available today, so give us a call.
Cart-Away Concrete Mixers are Outstanding in their Field…
We all had a little fun with this promotional adventure just like those who are decorating the concrete cows in Maryland.