Limited Time Preorder Discount.

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This month you may be pouring concrete on a mountain top and two months from now you are doing sidewalk repairs in the city park. One thing is certain; you need versatility to succeed in concrete. This is especially true when it comes to your ready mixed concrete deliveries. High short load fees and long wait times kill the profit on many jobs. Why not haul 3 yards of ready mix whenever and wherever you need it, using your current truck or trailer?


Today you have a versatile solution to your concrete delivery needs. Cart Away Universal Batching Equipment (C.U.B.E.). This is the same CUBE technology that we have offered in the CUBE 1.5-yard mixer for the past 11-years – JUST TWICE THE SIZE!

CUBE 300 – Remote 3 Yard Batching System

  • Remote ready-mix production is easy with the top-mounted load conveyor and material diverter.
  • Difficult to reach sites have been the specialty of the Cart-Away CUBE mixers, since 2006.
  • CUBE’s work around the world with NATO, the Navy, and many other professionals.
  • All Cart-Away CUBE mixers come with gasoline powerplants standard. Diesel or electric optional.

The 300 Schema

Measurements below are in inches. The CUBE 300 weighs 5940 lbs. 

CUBE 300T or T-plus – Versatile 3 Yard Ready-mix System

  • Remove the Top conveyor package to get a CUBE 300T.
  • Use one of your flatbed trucks or an equipment trailer as a transit-mix machine.
  • Add a batching funnel and a chute to create a CUBE 300T-plus.
  • Take the CUBE 300T-plus to the local ready mix batch plant for a load of your own concrete, saving time and money.
  • Cart Away has been providing equipment for self-delivered concrete since 1993.
  • The CUBE 300 is the most versatility mixing machine on the market – Choose CUBE, CUBE T or CUBE T-plus

The 300T+ Schema

Measurements below are in inches. The CUBE 300T+ weighs 4480 lbs.

The CUBE 300T+ has fork pockets to move it onto the deck of your equipment trailer, or to your flatbed truck, or to place it directly on the ground at a job site. Use the conveyor or use the funnel for loading the raw materials, the choice is yours. This is the versatility that the CUBE 300 affords. You can load the drum with super sacks of concrete, or use a tractor bucket. You can drive it under the loading port at a ready mix plant and have them load your mixer. You are in complete control of your ready mix delivery schedule and you will never pay a short load fee again. With the CUBE you are in the ready mix delivery business, but you are not tied to it. Unlike other small ready mix system, the Cart Away CUBE 300T+ can come off the deck of your existing trailers or truck beds whenever you want. This frees your transportation assets to do other things when you don’t need to move concrete. Visit with one of the Cart-Away mixing experts and discuss what type of configuration you need for your CUBE. Make and deliver concrete in the most versatile way possible. Increase your efficiency and build higher profits into each job you complete. From remote mountain tops to your local streets, the Cart Away CUBE is 3 yards of versatility in a rugged and compact package.

All preorders of the CUBE 300 or CUBE 300T+ made in February will receive a 10% discount. The first 20 preorders will receive an additional 10% off any other Cart-Away equipment bundled with you CUBE, while the next 40 preorders will be eligible for a 5% discount on any Cart-Away equipment bundled with your CUBE preorder. Shipments begin mid-April.

Limited Time Preorder Discount.

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