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built environment

The Last Mile in the Concrete Supply Chain

2022-08-06T13:15:21+00:00August 6th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Contractor, Customer Experiences, End User, Municipal|

Cart-Away helps ready-mix move the last few miles Cart-Away takes the last mile seriously The concrete supply chain begins with gathering billions of grains of sand and ends with ready-mix flowing into a form. It starts with mining and ends with the rock-solid foundation of the built world. Each ingredient in the ready-mix

Cart-Away – Picks and Shovels Investment

2022-07-05T15:25:41+00:00July 5th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News|

Cart-Away is grounded in picks and shovels When you think of the high tech world, ready-mixed concrete isn't the first thing that comes to mind. The newest buzzwords in investment circles are buildtech and contech, which focuses on applying technology to construction and infrastructure development. These investments are like the modern day equivalent of a

Non-Consensus Market – Short Load Concrete Delivery

2022-06-24T12:12:32+00:00June 24th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News, Uncategorized|

The Built World is a Non-Consensus Goldmine In venture investing there is a group of investment opportunities that do not confirm to the norm, and is called the non-consensus market.  "By definition in venture capital, if you are doing it right, you are continuously investing in things that are non-consensus at the time of investment.

Why Solve the Concrete Delivery Crisis with Cart-Away

2022-06-07T21:21:44+00:00June 7th, 2022|Business Opportunity, Customer Experiences, Product Analysis & News|

Is there a crisis in concrete delivery capacity? 400 Million Cubic Yards in the US Concrete is the most consumed product of the built environment. More ready-mixed concrete is produced for construction and maintenance than both steel, aluminum and wood combined. The demand for this concrete outstrips the delivery capacity every day, forcing

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